Desired Course Number
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* If you'd like a list of already used course numbers (past and current) please contact Curriculum Administration at 801/587-7843*
0001-0999 - Offered by Academic Outreach and Continuing Education
Lower Division Courses (Freshman - Sophomore)
1000-2799 Regular Courses
2800-2999 Seminars, Independent Study, etc. (In-Progress grading)
Upper Division Courses (Junior - Senior)
3000-3799 Regular Courses
3800-3999 Seminars, Independent Study, etc. (In-Progress grading)
4000-4799 Regular Courses
4800-4999 Seminars, Independent Study, etc. (In-Progress grading)
Upper Division and Graduate Courses
*Graduate credit permitted for department majors
5000-5799 Regular Courses
5800-5999 Seminars, Independent Study, etc. (In-Progress grading)
Students who have not been admitted to a graduate program must obtain special permission to enroll
6000 level (basic graduate)
1. Regular courses in master's level programs.
2. Regular courses in:
(a) mixed master's - doctoral level programs and
(b) doctoral level programs normally taken in the first two years of post bachelor's study
3. Independent Study, Special Topics, Project Work, and Faculty Consultation at the master's level
4. Thesis Research - master's level
6000-6799 Regular Courses
6800-6899 Graduate Seminars - master's level (In-progress grading)
6900-6960 Independent Study, Special Topics, etc. (In-Progress grading)
6970-6979 Thesis Research - master's level (In-progress grading)
6980-6989 Faculty Consultation - master's level (In-progress grading)
7000 level (advanced graduate)
1. Regular courses in doctoral programs normally taken beyond the first two years of post bachelor's study
2. Graduate seminars at the doctoral level
3. Independent Study, Special Topics, and Faculty Consultations at the doctoral level
4. Dissertation research at the doctoral level
7000-7799 Regular courses
7800-7899 Advanced graduate seminars (In-progress grading)
7900-7960 Independent study, special topics, etc. - doctoral level (In-progress grading)
7970-7979 Dissertation and/or project credit - doctoral level (In-progress grading)
7980-7989 Faculty consultation - doctoral level (In-progress grading)
7990 Continuing registration - doctoral level (In-progress grading)
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