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Significant (>25%) Program Change Process

University Policy

Review the applicable policy/policies for the proposal you are completing:


Certificates Note

Undergraduate certificates are embedded and can only be earned alongside a degree.

Graduate certificates may be offered to non-matriculated students on a stand-alone basis (meaning they are not enrolled in any other degree seeking program).  There are limitations posed on non-matriculation credit per the Graduate School ( If your intent is to allow students to pursue the graduate certificate on a stand-alone basis, make this clear in your proposal.


Types of Changes

  • Name Change
  • Restructure
  • Consolidation
  • Transfer to New Academic Unit
  • More than 25% of program curriculum
  • Learning Outcomes


Letters of Position

  • Department chair
  • College dean
  • Interdisciplinary programs (if applicable)
  • Community/industry (if applicable)
  • Impacted College(s)/Department(s) (similar programs, courses used, etc.)


Approval Process

Proposals should be through the department and college approvals at least 10 business days prior to the Undergraduate and/or Graduate Council due dates.

  1. Submission
  2. Initial Review – please plan for 7 working days at this step pending the number of proposals submitted
  3. Department/Faculty Committee approval
  4. College Committee approval
  5. Undergraduate Council approval (if applicable)
    Graduate Council approval (if applicable)
  6. Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (SVPAA) approval OR
    Senior Vice President for Health Sciences approval
  7. Executive Committee/Academic Senate approval
  8. Board of Trustees approval
  9. Commissioner of the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) notification
  10. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) notification

1-2 individuals will be asked to present proposals at the marked committee meetings.

Last Updated: 1/9/25