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Coursedog - Modifying a Course

Course - Edit

While on the Curriculum Management dashboard, select ‘New Proposal’ from the right-hand side of the page. To make changes to an existing course, select ‘Modify a Course’ and fill out the necessary information before clicking ‘Go to Form.’

Listed below is each field in the ‘Course – Edit’ proposal form; all fields with an asterisk are required.


  • Status: When modifying a course, you will see the status of the course listed. If you would like to reactivate a currently inactive course, you will need to use the ‘Course Reactivation’ form. To inactivate a currently active course, use the ‘Course Inactivation’ form.
  • Effective Term*: Select the (future) term when this course will first be available to students.
  • Rationale*: Provide a short ‘why’ for your proposed course. Be sure to include any special equipment or supplies including computing lab time, special software, etc.
    • Please also include an IMPACT PLAN:
      • How are/will you work with departments that use this course in a program or as a prerequisite?
      • How will you identify and communicate with affected students?
  • Subject Code*: If you are proposing a new subject code, use the ‘New Subject Code’ form. 
  • Catalog Number*: If guidance is needed on selecting an appropriate/available catalog number, contact the curriculum office. For information regarding course numbering, click here.
  • Course Level*: Dentistry, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Non-Credit, or Undergraduate.
  • Short Course Title*: This is the title that will show up on transcripts; 23 character maximum. If you are able to make the short and long course titles the same, please do so. If not, please make sure they resemble each other.
  • Long Course Title*: This is the title that shows up in scheduling/catalog; 100 character maximum.
  • Course Description*: This is the description that students see in the published catalog; 1500 character maximum. It is best to keep the course description to 100 words or less.
  • Cross-Listed Course(s): If the course you are modifying has any cross-listings, they will show here. However, in order to make any changes to cross-listed courses, please fill out the ‘Cross-Listed Course Change Information’ form.
  • Similar Courses: List any courses that have similar content and can “meet with” each other.

  • Semester Credit Hours*: Include both a minimum and maximum number of credits that can be earned from the course. If the course has a fixed number of credits, put the same number in both fields.
  • Repeat for Credit* (Yes | No): Repeatable means the course can be taken multiple times for additional credit. This is not to indicate if students are allowed to retake the course to replace an unwanted grade.
  • Number of Completions Allowed (Default: 1): If a course is repeatable for credit, indicate how many completions are allowed.
  • Total Credits Allowed*: Calculate total credits allowed using the formula below.
    • Maximum Credits x Number of Completions Allowed = Total credits allowed

  • Allow Multiple Enroll in Term (Yes | No): Select ‘Yes’ if students are allowed to enroll in the course multiple times within the same semester. This is typically used for Special Topics courses.

For more information about course components, click here.

  • Select Component*: Select pre-defined component from the dropdown menu. If there are multiple course components, select ‘+ADD COMPONENT’ to enter information for additional component(s).
    • Code: This field will auto-populate once a component has been selected.
    • Name: This field will auto-populate once a component has been selected.

  • Primary Component*: Select the component that is used to determine the grading basis for the course.

  • Grading Basis*: Select the appropriate grading basis as determined by the primary course component.

Include any required or recommended prerequisites and/or corequisites.

  • Required Requisite(s): (250 characters max.): Follow the guidelines below when typing requisites.
    • Wording “Prerequisites”, “Corequisites”, or “Recommended Prerequisites/Corequisites” should always begin the section.
    • Any letter grades should be surrounded by quotation marks. i.e. “C-“.
    • If multiple requirements are required they should be joined with the word ‘AND’ in capital letters. i.e. “B-“ or better in ACCTG 1010 AND ACCTG 1020.
    • If students are able to choose between multiple requirements, they should be joined with the word ‘OR’ in capital letters. i.e. “B-“ or better in ACCTG 1010 OR ACCTG 1020.
    • Groups of requirements should be surrounded by parentheses. i.e. (“B-“ or better in (ACCTG 1020 AND ACCTG 1021)) AND (“C” or better in (BUS 1010 OR BUS 1020)).
    • Should always end with a period.
  • Recommended Requisite(s): Use the guidelines listed above.

  • Semesters Typically Offered*: Select the term(s)/year(s) that the course is typically offered. This is meant to help students plan accordingly. Please be aware that it is just
  • Can/will this course be offered online?* (Yes | No)
  • For Practicum, Clinical, Internship, or Field Work courses: can/will any part of this course be completed at a location outside of Utah? (Yes | No)
  • Is this course intended to directly meet requirements for professional licensure or intended to help maintain specialty accreditation of your program? (Yes | No | Not Applicable)

  • If the course has any GE or BD designations, they will show in the fields listed below.
    • General Education/Bachelor Degree Designation
    • Course Attributes

If you have questions about developing learning outcomes, please work with Mark St. Andre (

  • If the course has a course fee, the information listed below will be visible. If you are wanting to add or adjust a course fee on an existing course, please fill out the ‘Course Fee: Add or adjust on existing course’ form.
    • Fee Amount
    • Course Fee Usage
    • Item Type
    • Fee Chartfield
    • Describe how the fee is associated with course learning outcomes.
    • Detailed Itemized Budget: Your request will not be considered without this information. A template spreadsheet is available here.

  • Attach a Sample Syllabus

  • Department*
    • College/School: This field will auto-populate when the department is selected.
  • PeopleSoft Course ID
  • Course Category – Catalog Searchability: Add up to two of the following course tags to the course in order to help students when searching the catalog.
    • Lower Division
    • Upper Division
    • Graduate
    • Law
    • Medicine
    • Dentistry
    • Undergraduate
Last Updated: 10/15/24