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Cross Listed Courses & Meets With/Similar Courses

Cross Listed Courses

Cross listed courses are considered to be the same course by PeopleSoft. Therefore, when changes are made to one course, they are made to all the courses in the cross listing. Please consider carefully before requesting courses be cross listed together.

If it is determined that a cross listing is the best option, the following guidelines must be followed:

  1. Courses should be from different departments. Thus, close communication between the departments needs to be maintained as long as the courses are active and cross listed.
  2. The below course information must be the same:
    • Short & Long Course Titles
    • Description
    • Credits, including repeat for credit & enroll in multiple term status
    • Component(s), including Primary Component
    • Grading Basis
    • Semesters Offered
    • Ability to be Taught Online
    • General Education Designation
    • Learning Outcomes
    • Syllabus
    • Course Category
    • Course Fee
  3. Course information that does not need to be the same is:
    • Subject Code
    • Course Number
    • Effective Start Term
    • Pre/Corequisites
    • Department
    • College/School
  4. Though they don’t need to have the same Course Number, courses do need to be the same level, for instance – a 1000 level course with another 1000 level course, a 2000 level course with another 2000 level course, etc.
  5. An undergraduate course cannot be cross listed with a graduate course.
  6. To make changes to cross listed courses, please work with the Curriculum Office.

Unless courses are repeatable for credit, cross listing allows students to replace a grade from one department with the grade from the other cross-listed course if a student takes both courses (e.g.  A POLS course is cross listed with MID E studies course. A student takes the POLS course and fails. The following semester the student registers under MID E and passes the class, replacing the failing grade, unless the course is repeatable for credit in which case both grades remain part of the student's GPA.) 

Cross listings are generally only removed if one, or more, of the courses is no longer being taught and needs to be inactivated. If all the courses in the cross-listing remain active with the same course information, they should remain cross listed.

CAUTION: Cross listing two currently active courses or removing the cross listing from courses, will result in one, or more, of the courses receiving a new Course ID, which will affect student repeatability.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Meets With/Similar Courses

Meets with courses are classes that meet together at the same time and location but are not cross listed. 

  1. An undergraduate course can meet with graduate level course, though typically the graduate level course will have additional course work to complete.
  2. Offerings may be in the same or different departments (POLS with POLS, POLS with MID E).
  3. Courses can have different descriptions, titles, grading basis, syllabi, etc.
  4. Undergraduate courses must have the same General Education designation to meet together.
  5. Students can take both courses for credit.
  6. If they’ve taken both, students may not replace an unwanted grade with a meets with course.
  7. Proposals for changes can be submitted independently of each other.
Last Updated: 10/8/24